Freedom 2015.

january 4th, 2015

New Years Resolutions:

  1. become funnier
  2. take improv classes at Second City
  3. fuck “goals”

“goals” meant here in the sense of documenting the ways I don't believe I measure up, which is how I normally use goals. New goal is fuck goals. Like maybe I'm never going to be a success according to the rules I made up for success. Like if I had a conversation and tea with Destiny and then knew for certain that I will live my life and die and not sell a screenplay, or have a fulltime creative life, or rent apartments on three continents, or quit web development, or have financial means to support my parents' house in Vermont and my own life and the lives and education of my family and children, or any other dream of myself currently held. What then?

Then: fuck goals. It's very freeing :)

First class at Second City is this Wednesday. Wish me luck!