Îmi Place.

march 28th, 2016

This is my first music video project of such type and scope and uses footage from the last 18 months or so. i felt more exposed than usual by this video — “exposed” as in vulnerable. Nearly didn't post it! Unusual for me to feel bashful at thrusting myself into the spotlight. But then, it was also refreshing to feel bashful. In a Zen way.

i brought three new pieces to the Green Mill yesterday. Video to come later on the performances archive. In one piece i claimed the Baby Boomers elected Reagan twice, because “they needed a daddy that badly.”

Marc said, “It's true! I was there!”

Another piece was literally my stand‑up set for Wednesday with slight modifications to include more internal rhyme and rhythm and performed in my Slam Poetry Voice. The laughs were very sparse! Which i found very funny! That part of comedy where you make a joke and then don't get a laugh and you just wanna pilot your starship directly into the sun. Goodbye forever!! And to keep flying straight, instead. That part of comedy that's pure courage. i love it.